What are Duplex Steel Castings and Where are They Used?

Steel is a very common element for people owing to their everyday usability characteristics. And its multifarious uses have promoted engineers to devise new combinations of steel that can aid in easing our life furthermore. It was perhaps with this motivation that duplex steel casting was designed from raw elements.

As the name suggests, duplex steel is an alloy of steel. It is composed of two types of steel molecules, austenite and ferrite, which are products of a different phase of chemical reaction for steels. Since the molecules of duplex steel are twice as much powerful as plain steel, it is obvious to find that the former offers high chemical resistance, toughness, and malleability at the same time. The other functions that make duplex steel more efficient than normal steel can be enumerated as follows:

Response to High Heat and Freezing Temperatures
More often than not, heat is accompanied by moisture and together they lead to the degradation of priciest metals over a period of time. Even steel is susceptible to the damages that can be caused by the action of heat in industries and other public facilities. But duplex steel casting is a more intelligible element that can tolerate temperatures of about 300 Degrees Celsius without reacting to the atmospheric agents. The high chromium content of duplex steel accords them with exceptional heat resistance, while its overall chemical makeup also helps it in giving a steady performance at about 50 degrees Celsius.

Weld ability for Designing
The toughness of duplex steel casting goods often puts them in a bad light, for it limits the freedom of designing available to engineers. But when conducted under suitable circumstances, duplex steel goods can be made into a number of machines using standard welding tools. In fact, the high austenitic presence in duplex steel can help in performing better welding with the lowest distortion and residual stresses.

Resistance to Corrosive Substances
The most beneficial feature of duplex steel is its high resistance to the action of corrosive substances. Besides the macro level, it’s inter granular interactions are also perfectly designed to resist against concentrated chloride and sulfide action in a high-pressure zone.

Duplex steel has created a wide niche for itself in the industrial market after its introduction. Naturally, the entire credit of this popularity goes to its diverse range of features. However, some of the places where duplex steel casting has become a dominant instrument can be listed as follows:

Chemical Processing and Transportation Plants
Chemical industries are always on the lookout for new technologies that can help in the processing of reactive substances. Adulteration of the contents with the container molecules is a prime concern, and hence duplex steel machines have been readily accepted here. Their resistance to high temperature, pressure, and chemical helps in manufacturing as well as transportation of chemical goods.

Beverage Manufacturing Industry
Fine tasting drinks are made after thorough processing and stimulated natural reactions. Considering the highly vulnerable nature of a fermenting mixture, it is important for beverage companies to ensure processing of unadulterated consumables. Duplex steel tanks are used to perform fermenting operations under humid and hot conditions.

Oil and Gas Refining Industries
In petrochemical industries, duplex steel pipes, valves, and tubes are commonly used to help in efficient transport of chemically active raw materials.

The process of duplex steel casting is much like any other casting process, but it differs in the level of precision that needs to be exercised. This is because a mere lag in production steps or an un-calculated mixture of elements can result in the manufacturing of under performing products. However, every effort taken in the production goes a long way in creating and establishing happy customers.

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