Six Reasons Why People Avoid Writing Their Will

As 2018 has just begun, it’s a good time to review all the important stuff in your life, such as your insurance policies and your Will.

If you don’t already have one, it is now the time to give some thought to writing a Will. Every year, the number of people in the UK who do not have a Will is rising.

If you consider recent statistics, there will be many people who have their estate divided up by the rules of intestacy because nearly 60% of Britons do not have a Will.

If you die without drafting a legal Will, your family and loved ones will suffer the most. In such a situation, who will solely distribute your property under the rules and regulations stated by intestacy.

Why People Avoid Writing Their Will

So, if you want your family and loved ones to transition as smoothly as they can into a life without you, you’ll need to draft your Will as soon as possible.

Despite this fact, some people still avoid writing a Will. There are several reasons why writing a Will is not on top of the to-do list for most people until it is very necessary.

Here are 6 common reasons why people avoid writing a Will:

#1: “I have been meaning to….”

Does this sound familiar to you? The number one reason people have not written their Will is that they cannot be bothered.

They are too preoccupied with doing other things and either forget or have the time.

Most people think about making a legal Will for years before they usually get round to doing it… then there are the millions who don’t even bother at all.

We understand that you lead a busy life. Also, we know that writing a Will consumes a lot of time; it is a complicated process and requires a lot of effort to get it correct. But, it is a necessity.

So, if you are wondering what happens to your property in your absence or what happens to your family and loved ones in your absence, set aside a couple of days and write your Will.

This is the only way to take care of them even when you are not around.

#2: “I am too young; it can wait until I am older.”

We agree that most people do not consider writing a Will until they are in their late 50s. Certain situations come uninvited.

So, if you are married and have a family that depends on you, to keep them safe in your absence, ensure you write a Will.

If you are single and are living with your partner but are not legally married to your partner, you need a legal Will so that your partner can inherit from your estate, if that is what you wish.

Without doing so, it doesn’t matter how many years you are together – if you are unmarried, they inherit nothing.

#3: “I don’t want to think about dying.”

Whilst this is true, neither does anyone! Nobody wants to think about dying and what happens once we go to the other side.

But knowing that it may arrive anytime and anywhere, the only solution is to be well prepared beforehand by sorting all your financial affairs in your Will.

#4: “Everything will go to my partner or children.”

If you think that when you die, everything that belongs to you goes to your better half or your children, you’ll be sadly mistaken.

If you are married, the first £250,000 of your estate goes straight to your spouse. But what if you are not married?

The complexities of modern families are not well recognised by UK law.

In such a situation, if you do not have a valid Will in place, your unmarried partner, stepchildren and friends will be overlooked and receive nothing during the distribution of your estate.

#5: “Writing a Will is expensive.”

It doesn’t always have to be! If you hire a solicitor, they will charge you £200-£400 (excluding VAT) to draft your Will. However, various online Will writing agencies charge less for writing a Will.

You can find them online, research and compare prices, then go for the one you think is right for you and your budget.

In conclusion, when you have a legal Will in place, only then you can protect your family and loved ones in your absence. Having a Will drafted safeguards your assets and the future of your family.

#6: “I don’t have any assets….”

The property market has become difficult to survive in. For the first time buyer, a hefty deposit is pretty much always required.

On the other hand, people now prefer rented accommodations or staying at home and saving for the deposit. Hence you need to remember that your property is not the only asset you need to protect.

You need to also mention your insurance policies, saving accounts, jewellery, death in service benefits and similar things in your Will. This ensures that these things are passed on to deserving people.

For More Latest Law Updates and Information about Why People Avoid Writing Their Will, Visit Solobis NEWS Magazine.

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