Why I won’t Reward My Loyal Readers with Top Commentator Widget Plugin

Recently I received some comments from a lot of visitors saying that I should add Top Commentator Widget to reward them. Well its always good to give your readers something that make them to return back to your blog. But I won’t never use Top commentator plugin. Here are some reasons that Why I won’t use this plugin.

Spam Comments

That’s not the major reason because of whom I am not using this plugin. Already I am getting a lot of spammy comments and I don’t have time to delete so much comments. Once you have setup Top Commentator Plugin , Its usual that everybody will try to make as much comments as he/she can. Some people target WordPress Blogs which are having ” Top Commentator Plugin” installed. If they got position in Top commentator, Simply they will get free traffic and promotion. Well, Its not bad but what about those guys who just comment to be one of top commentators?

Search Engine Hates Such Links : So Very bad For SEO

This is the major reason that I am not using such a plugins. Using this plugin isn’t only bad for SEO of your own blog but also for the blog of top commentators. Mostly blogs reset their top commentator widget after one month. See How using this plugin will be harmful for both :

Blog Owner :- Changing links again and again will smell like Paid Links to search engines. However those links are usually nofollow but its all up to Search Engines to deny them or follow them. Even nofollow links have their own value and they leak some PR juice too.

Commentator :- Its always profitable to build backlinks. But the lost links are always harmful. As the blog owner resets the widget after month, so your link won’t be there anymore. So it will effect the SEO of your blog too.

Example :- Suppose you commented on a blog which have nearly 100 articles and “Top commentator Widget”. You submitted enough comments and got featured as a Top commentator. In other words you will get nearly 100 Backlinks ( Widget will appear on all pages of blog ). After 5-6 days Google will index the links and you will be able to see them in Google Webmasters Tool. But in the next month, once widget is reset those links won’t be there. This will lead to negative SEO for both Blog owner and commentator.

Its not a reward, Its forcing to comment regularly

As I told that mostly blogger reset their Top Commentator plugin after one month. So next month you have to be active again on their blog. So isn’t it forcing to comment ? Its bad for blog owner too because they will suffer from Comment Surges. Means people will race to be one of the top commentator of blog in the first week of month. And usually a lot of comments you have to moderate. For commentators it will be like running horses to win the race. Just like the following photo :-

So How to Reward Top Commentators of Your blog in the right way

I won’t never recommend to use Top commentator plugin. However some bloggers mayn’t be agree with my views. Because they keep saying that they care about readers not about Google. But if you don’t care about Google and SEO than you are missing a lot of new readers which you could get through search engines. I will suggest following ways to reward the top commentators of your blog :-

1. You can organize a giveaway for the top commentator. By using this technique you will get more comments. If you can’t afford giveaway then contact some advertisers to host the giveaway and they will surely provide some product copies for giveaway.

2. Other thing you can do to reward your top commentators is sharing their website link on your social accounts. It may give them some traffic.

3. Other way is using your old articles ( dead articles ) which are not getting traffic. You can use those articles to provide dofollow link to the top commentator’s blog.

4. You can Use alternative plugins to boost the number of comments. I follow this method to reward my readers. I am using CommentLuv and Keyword luv plugins which give 2 backlinks to commentator’s website with effective “Anchor Texts”.

So according to me using Commentluv and Keyword luv plugins is the best way to reward the blog readers. For their every comment they are getting 2 backlinks, What would be better than it ? I would like to hear from you. Which method you use to reward your blog readers And is this way SEO friendly too ?
#Ready to receive negative comments 😀

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