Imperative Role of Ovens in Electronics and Chemicals Industries

Industrial ovens are heated chambers that are used for a variety of applications in electronics and chemical industries. Hot air oven manufacturers build a variety of ovens for various applications. As a general application, industrial ovens are mostly used to process a raw material in an electronics industry at extremely high temperatures to facilitate the manufacturing of components and imparting the desired properties to them.

Ovens are used in leading industries such as forensics, chemical, biology, pharmaceuticals, and electronics. These ovens are generally ambient to up to 300-degree Celsius. Ovens that operate and work above these temperatures are used for more specialized and specific operations including physics and material processing.

Following are the various kinds of ovens used in the electronics and chemical industries today-

  • Curing Ovens – Especially employed in applications that involve powder coating, curing ovens are made to cause and facilitate a chemical reaction. Chemical reactions that take place in these ovens happen because of the high temperatures. Other applications include those with rubber and adhesives.
  • Drying Ovens – Drying ovens eliminate any moisture from the raw material placed within them. These ovens are designed in a way that they extract moisture from the material placed in them. Some general and commonplace applications of drying ovens are pre-treating and painting. Also at times dubbed as kilns, these drying ovens carry other applications such as sterilization, temperature testing, and incubating temperature sensitive experiments.
  • Baking Ovens – Baking ovens effectively combine the functions of curing and drying ovens. Hot air oven manufacturers build baking ovens for production and research environments where rapid drying of materials is crucial. Drying ovens exhibit a key feature of controlled and variable temperatures that are essential to cause evaporation of moisture from any material fed into the oven.
  • Batch Ovens – Batch ovens are used for a variety of treatments such as aging, drying, curing, and annealing. When a constant heating treatment is needed multiple times and the material that is fed changes in between the batches, that is when batch ovens are employed. These are also known as cabinet, truck-in or walk-in ovens, where baking or heating takes place in small batches through trucks and carts.
  • Reflow Ovens – Reflow ovens find their applications in the electronics industry majorly. These are used for soldering the surface-mount components to Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). These ovens are characterized by multiple zones that are controlled for the temperatures in them. The PCBs are passed through all of these zones, a few of which can be cooling zones. On a conveyor belt, the electronic components are subjected to these varied temperatures so they can firmly be soldered on the boards.
  • Continuous Ovens – Just like batch ovens, continuous ovens are used to perform a long thermal process in industries. These are used when there is a need for mass production of the same raw material by subjecting it to the same thermal treatment. Continuous ovens have separate heating and cooling chambers that speed up the treatment process as we no longer have to wait for the heat chamber to cool down before turning it into a cooling chamber. These ovens are used when there is a need for reduced processing time and consistency of materials.

The Use of Lab Ovens in Chemical and Electronics Industries

Some standard uses of lab ovens and hot air ovens in these industries are-

  • Testing of electronics
  • Burn-in testing that detects failures early on while manufacturing integrated circuits in electronics companies.
  • Testing the solder strength in electronic circuit boards.
  • Simulation environments to measure prolonged product use.
  • Altering the properties of advanced polymers through curing.

Hot air oven manufacturers like us take care of all your requirements and build the most advanced and reliable hot air ovens for critical industrial use. At Shivang Industrial Furnace, we offer leading solutions in industrial ovens and heating apparatus.

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