How to Style Your Summer Garden Party

Meeting your favorite people in the lap of nature has something magical about it and your garden or backyard presents a great opportunity to bring to life this idea. All you have to do is arrange for an alfresco meal in your backyard or garden after minimal decoration and invite your gang.

The warm days come with the cool and comfortable twilight and evening hours are great for celebrating together outdoors.  That is why, irrespective of whether it is small backyard or a beautiful cottage style garden, you should utilize the space for hosting a summer garden party.

Such a setting is ideal for the exquisite Easter party, cute bridal showers, formal get-togethers and affable Mother’s Day brunch and much more.  So if you are interested in hosting such a party then here are some fabulous ideas to get you going. Just read on.

Stay Prepared for All the Weathers
Though it may sound depressing to start with such a gloomy topic the weather can play a spoilsport and it is capable of burning you and drenching you on the same day. So if you are not a spontaneous party planner then it is advisable that you should check the weather forecast about seven days before the party. If rain is predicted then you can either go for a marquee or can also opt for indoor arrangements. If your party is a casual affair then the affordable tents available in the market can come to a lot of help.

Go for a Theme
You can take the fun level of your party up a few notches by choosing a theme for the outdoor party. Be it an anniversary, birthday or a casual fun day out in the sun, you should make the guests put in some effort. You can opt for some salsa music, the bowl of tropical fruity cocktail or delicacy and marinated barbeque chicken. You can also try the Hawaiian theme and start with decorating the table with lots of flowers and tropical colors. You can serve Hawaiian style game, pork or chicken kebabs and coconuts for fruits and fruit salads.

Set the Party Table
You can opt for the flowers and pretty pink glassware for giving your garden party what it lacks. You can use shower rings to create floral napkin rings and can place them on each plate. These will be simple yet elegant and you will be able to bring in the desired effect for your party. You can also add an eye-catching tablecloth to cut the monotony and it will look spectacular on a lawn or patio amidst the flamboyance and greenery.

Illumination is Essential
For a great summer wedding, good lighting is absolutely essential. The combination of string lights, lanterns, and solar-powered outdoor lights can help to create the perfect Arabian night milieu. You can hang lanterns from the boughs of the trees and drape the fairy lights over window-wills and hedges. These can create the impeccable dreamy ambiance in your garden party.

Food and Drinks
People can gulp with their eyes and that is why make sure that food items that you are going for are visually appealing. Arrange for tasty nibbles so that guests can take bites right from the time they enter and set the conversations flowing. Tortilla chips with salsa or pepper carrot and cucumber in minted yogurt dip are also quite loved in this case. You should arrange for summer cocktail to beat the heat in the summer party. Sangria and Pimms are crowd pullers but if you can add alcoholic and fruity drinks then that can constitute a summer punch. You should not also forget the non-alcoholic drinks for the little visitors and must include lemonade, colas, and Pepsi.

Ample Seating
Ample seating has been essential for a comfortable party in the midst of nature. If your guests have to stand all day then they won’t be able to enjoy. Hammocks and blankets play a massive role in providing the extra seating. You can also make use of the camping and deck chairs that are accumulating dust in the storeroom. The tree stumps and the logs can also be used for seating. This will give the garden the coveted woodland serenity. You can also go for chair hire to get the ideal chairs for enhancing the seating arrangements. This will help you to get what you are looking for without making a dent in the pocket.

The above are some of the ways in which you can style your summer garden party so that it can create a rave among the visitors and remain etched in their memory for all the right reasons for a long time to come.

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