The Best Herbal Supplements for Pain Relief

For people wanting to treat certain maladies without resorting to prescription drugs, herbal supplements are an attractive alternative. Herbs have been praised for relieving pain, inflammation and even anxiety. Here are four examples of natural herbs that may help ease one of your ailments.

Golden Turmeric

Turmeric is a bright yellow spice that comes from the turmeric plant and is becoming popular for its anti-inflammatory properties. Many people report relief from swelling and joint pain after adding turmeric to their diet. This delicious spice is used in many Asian dishes as well as tea and more recently, in a warm beverage called golden milk.

Kratom Powder

Kratom, an herb originating in Southeast Asia, has been used as both a stimulant and a sedative in different situations. While it may produce alertness in some, KratoMystic can also have a calming effect in others depending on the dosage. It has also been said to relieve chronic pain.

Ginger Root

One of the most popular healing herbs is ginger. While technically a root, ginger comes from the ginger plant and is widely used in cooking and for its health benefits. Ginger helps with nausea, aching muscles and symptoms of the common cold. You can grate it into a stir fry, drink it as tea and buy it crystallized to carry with you.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is yet another highly sought after herb known for its antioxidant benefits. Ginkgo is available as a supplement and has been used to aid in memory function, dementia and depression. It’s best to consult with your doctor before giving ginkgo biloba a try as it may interact with certain medications.

Beneficial Herbs

Herbs provide a wide array of benefits and can be used as capsules, teas or as food additives. It’s important to research any herbal supplements before use and if you’re taking medication, check with your doctor. You may find adding a few herbs to your diet is just the recipe for easing your pain.

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