All You Need To Know About Booklet Printing

Booklets are an amazing way to let people know about your company and what exactly you are planning to offer them. It can be about the products or services you provide, contact information, and many more. It can help you convey your message to your target audience. Booklets are the solution when you need something more than a brochure. The best part about booklets is that they have a longer shelf life as customers tend to keep them for a long time for referring in the future. If you do it right, then you will absolutely get your justified return on investment.

booklet printing

And if you are not aware of it yet, then let me tell you that there are various kinds of booklets out there, each having a separate set of purpose. So before you leap into the world of booklets and start planning the layout, here is the blog you need to go through. Take a look!

Image Booklets: The first one which I am going to mention here where you need to use high quality image of your products so that the audience gets curious at the very first glance. Also, you need to add crisp contents beside each image. This is better known as a coffee table booklet, mainly because people flip through the pages of these booklets at a coffee table. Known for its visual appeal, you should always appoint a top-rated sign shop for this service. Only they will be able to create an impactful and appealing booklet which a newbie in the industry won’t be able to.

Technical Booklets: Secondly, you can order technical booklets where you can provide your clients with information related to the technical side of your company. If you give them an insight to the behind the scene details, they would be able to rely on your brand even more. It is a practical format of providing precise information to the customers.

Community Booklets: If you own a business, then it is your duty to include community services within your outreach program. So you must have community booklets as well. It is a great way to make new acquaintances and raise your brand value amongst people. Make a call for donations and let people know about your “not for profit” works through community booklets.

booklet printing


  1. Website of your charity group
  2. Social links of your charity group

Handy Booklets: Next comes handy booklets, which include daily planners, cookbooks, motivational guides, etc. Be a little thoughtful and plan each page properly. If possible, then do some research and find out how your competitors present their handy booklets. Read a lot of blogs to get some more ideas about this. If possible, then include a few coupons or other offers.

Kids Booklets: Lastly, if your brand is suitable for this, then order a bulk of kids booklets, where the kids would be the target audience. You need to make it fun and engaging so that they enjoy going through them. Use bold and bright colors and keep a few games and coloring exercises! Include lots of images. Trust me, it will work!

A few other things related to booklet printing, that you need to pay heed to is that you should choose good page thickness so that they do not tear easily. The available sizes are generally 5.5* 8.5 portrait booklets, 8.5*11 booklets, 3.75*4.5 portrait booklets, 4*9 booklets, 6*6 square booklets, 8.5*5.5 landscape booklets, 6.62*10.25 comic size booklets, etc at any reputed print shop. Pick wisely according to your needs!

To know more about booklet printing, catalog and brochure printing or other forms of online printing services, please keep following me! I would love to share my knowledge on all kinds of printed advertisements which can really make a difference to your business. All you need to do is having a vision, planning the layout, and getting in touch with an established print shop – you!

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