Sleeping Dogs: What To Look for in Dog Bedding

If you’re like many pet parents, Fido is likely taking up a place of honor in your bed.

This type of arrangement can provide emotional bonding and comfort for both of you. However, it’s also important for your pooch to have a space of his own.

Why Your Dog Needs His Own Sleeping Spot

Occasional cuddling is okay, but sharing your space with a dog or two, and possibly another person, can disrupt sleep for the whole family.

That leads to less than restful nights. It can also cause health problems like overheating for your dog, and become dangerous to humans with immune deficiencies.

However, sleeping directly on the floor can make your puppy cold, even when it’s carpeted, while aggravating conditions like arthritis. Dog beds also provide them with security by partially enclosing their bodies.

Having his own space within your home is important for your dog. This is for reasons of cleanliness, and so he will have a domain of his own.

A designated sleeping area will stop your dog from sleeping in places that you prohibit, like on the sofa or in the kids’ room.

That can also prevent injuries to smaller dogs from jumping on and off furniture or people beds.

You can make the bed yourself using foam padding a properly sized pillow covered with a removable cloth or buy one that’s ready-made.

What To Look for in Dog Bedding

The bed you choose should be large enough for him to stretch out a little or turn around in comfortably before settling in, but small enough for him to feel safe and secure.

Size is also a factor when deciding where the bed will go inside your home. You should create a designated doggie spot before purchasing bedding.

Another consideration is your dog’s comfort with the environment.

If he or she is highly sensitive or excitable, you may not want to place his bed in an area of the home where there’s a lot of noise or activity when he’s trying to rest.

Avoid drafty areas, too. Also, you should make sure that the bed is in a place that won’t interfere with family living or activities.

As mentioned before, your dog’s health is an important consideration when choosing bedding. Not only to keep him warm or avoid injuries from high places.

Some dogs are sensitive to certain materials. Try to locate a bed that’s made with hypoallergenic materials to eliminate that problem.

If your pooch is a chewer, purchase bedding that’s crafted from more durable materials. Give some thought to your dog’s age.

Older animals may have problems with hip dysplasia or other health issues. Some companies make orthopedic beds to ease chronic pain or stiffness and provide a more comfortable place to rest.

Puppies need a bed that they can grow into without it being so big that they feel overwhelmed or insecure. Bedding for pups should be soft, lower to the ground and easy to clean.

Finally, does you dog or puppy spend a lot of time outdoors? You may want to purchase two pet beds, one for his night time rest and another for him to nap in when you’re spending family time in the yard.

The outdoor bed should be strictly for outside use to avoid bringing fleas or dirt into the house. It should have a removable cove that’s also water- and stain-proof.

Of course, if you don’t have the time or the patience to make custom bedding yourself, you can always shop for dog beds online. Price is a matter of personal discretion.

If you’re willing to go all out, and you won’t have to trade up to a larger bed any time soon, splurge on something deluxe.

There are many online companies that sell quality pet supplies for any budget and dogs of any size or disposition.

For More Pet Care Updates and Information about Dog Bedding, Visit Solobis NEWS Magazine.

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